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Thursday 17 August 2017

how to do anulom vilome parnayama |IN HINDI| chetan yoga

How to do Anulom Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)?

Sit in a steady asana. Padmasana is most suited for the practice. Siddhasana and Vajrasana may also be used.
Close the right nostril with your thumb and draw in air from the left nostril. Do this as slowly as you can, till your lungs are full.
Now release the thumb and close the left nostril with your ring finger. Then breathe out slowly through the right nostril.
Next take the air in from the right nostril and then release it through the left nostril (after closing the right nostril with the thumb).
This is one round of Anulom Vilom Pranayama.
Start with 5 rounds and increase it up to 20 rounds in one sitting.
Also, the duration of inhalation can start from 2 seconds and go up to 20 seconds or even beyond.
One can have one sitting in the morning and one in the evening. For advanced practitioners, the yogic texts recommends four sittings – one in the morning, one at noon, one in the evening and one at midnight. But for all practical purposes, two sittings (one in morning and one in evening) are enough.
After one has reached a certain level of proficiency, one can add Kumbhaka or retention of breath to the practice

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